Friday, July 9, 2021

Bio poem Toroa

Walt take information from a non fiction text to complete a bio poem  


Solitary, Docile, Explorer, Agile

Lover of hanging out with whanau clacking and clappering their bills like noisy neighbours.

Who feels threatened by pollution and other hazards that are destroying our manu. 

Who needs rich currents of the Southern Ocean and the precious kaimoana they provide.

Who gave the Maori spear tips, nose flutes, toggles and feathers as valued resources. 

Who fears they will die accidentally or unnecessarily from nets, hooks and unweighted lines.    

Who would like all seabirds to be off the endangered list until they're as old as dinosaurs. 

Who comes from the f-f-freezing Southern Ocean with rough waves clashing together like bombs 



  1. hi kevin i remember doing this good work

  2. Kei runga noa atu Kev.
    I love how you have used reo Māori in your mahi,
    Whaea Jade


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