Monday, April 8, 2019

My Holiday Writing

On the first week of the holidays it was my cousins birthday he turned ten . We went to the beach we played bat down and ball rush . As soon as me my sister and my cousins started  playing everyone joined to play too. Then we went for a swim it was so so sooo cold. My cousin Bailey tryed to push me under the water everyone did but me and birthday boy. It was too cold but I went under. I did it so he would't push me it was really cold I was shivering. I ran out of the water my mum was fishing and she caught a stingray and it ate her hook. 

Tuesday, April 2, 2019

Gala writing

I woke up jumped out of bed looked out the window and it was dawn, then BOOM!!! it hit me. I Dashed to my mum and yelled at her and said hurry up, Get ready, we're going to be late for the paparore school gala!!! We all scoffed our breakfast. Me and Eva Got changed very fast and we Zoomed like flash to the car. we dashed to the gala. as soon as we  got their I ran like Flash to get my tickets. But the bank was closed.  I was to early

5 minutes after that we got our Tickets then I went to the go karts. The go karts had really awesome Coloured flames.  It was hard to drive on the track. they Were Drifty. they had Very cool colours on the top. Eva and April went to the bungy Jump then I went to the big bouncy castle with Mason L. After that I went on the Harley davidsens.  I went on the blue one. I Thought it was the fastest. It was loud and it was big. The dark red one was pretty fast. Then I went to the rock climbing wall with Damon, Dylan and Bradley. Bradley got blindfolded  and he made it up half Way. I didn't get blindfolded but I made It half way too.    L
ast but not least I went To the golf course. If the ball lands on a lollipop you get a drink bottle, if it lands on a lollie you get A packet of lollies.  I went with Rickarn. I Went 1st and he went after. I got one Packet lollies then just left him so I could eat my lollies.